5 Tips to Use Google Trends For Your SEO Strategy in 2022

5 Tips to Use Google Trends For Your SEO Strategy in 2022

Content marketing is a very competitive field. There are millions of similar articles online, and all of them want audience attention. The field is also quick-paced, which trends coming and going in the blink of an eye.

Google Trends makes it easier to keep track of the latest developments in your industry. It tells users which keywords are trending in specific locations and during specific times. You can find trending keywords of your industry early before they even appear in Google’s Keyword Planner tool. Below are five Google Trends tips will help you up your SEO game:

google trends

  1. Start with the Biggest Keyword

You can use Google Trends to find trending keywords, but you need to start somewhere. Entering the biggest and most generic keyword will give you the broadest picture of the trend landscape, however, keyword research for B2B is slightly different. For example, if you’re a high-end women’s clothing retailer, you can use terms like “women’s designer wear” or “women’s fashion” to find the trending keywords.

google trends filters

Once you type in the keyword, you can refine the search by geographical location, timeline, category, and search option. The result page will reveal Interest by region, Interest over time, related topics, and related queries.

You can explore all of these categories to find related keywords, locations where your keyword is popular, and when it is trending. This simple search provides a lot of information regarding keywords and will help you create a list of potential phrases.

Once you have a list of general keywords, it is easy to narrow the search down even more and find trending long-tail keywords. For example, a simple search for leather shoes will reveal:

google trends search results

This helps you create a combination of long-tail keywords like “leather shoes in New York” or “navy blue leather shoes in DC,” etc. Long-tail keywords are more likely to attract converting traffic and are more affordable.

You can read Why you need Long-Tail Keywords

  1. Find Trending Topics

If you don’t have a specific keyword in mind or are looking for content ideas, explore the trending searches page. This page provides insight into Daily Search Trends and Real-Time Search Trends.

trending topics

Content creators can find a trending topic that tie in with their product or services. They can also cleverly incorporate unrelated topics into their articles. The idea is to capitalize on these trending searches to gain more visibility.

Searching for topics on Google Trends can be a regular aspect of your content creation routine. That will help you stay ahead of the game and ensure every article has a good amount of readership.

You can filter these stories based on different categories like business, sports, entertainment, etc. Choose a category that is most relevant to your industry and find a trending topic on it. For example, if you’re a sports bar, you can search the sports category and entertainment category to find the latest stories.

It is easy to fall into the pattern of creating the same content as everyone else when doing trend searches. If you want to stand out, you must explore these trending topics from a different angle. You can present a contrary view, explore different formats like podcasts, interviews, statistics, or provide a fresh perspective to make your content unique.

Also Read: Why content is more important for an effective SEO based on the latest Google algorithm?

  1. Choose the Right Platform

Google Trends allows you to analyze trends based on different platforms. Trends can vary from one platform to another. What is trending in Google Search might not trend on YouTube.

For example, if you’re an e-commerce retailer who wants to sell things online during Black Friday, it is a better idea to search keywords like “Black Friday 2018” under the Google Shopping than under YouTube or even Google Web Search.

Also Read: Best YouTube SEO Tools to Promote Your Videos

trend comparison

There are some differences in the keywords, location activity, and trending topics on different platforms. While these differences might seem small at first, they have a big impact on conversion rates.

It is important to create content based on the platform because people behave differently on different platforms. Studying the Google Trends data will give you an insight into every platform and create content based on the most current information.

As all of this information comes directly from user trends, your content has a higher chance of attracting attention. You will be able to check if a particular topic will work better in video format or text format based this information.

  1. Keep Seasonal Trends in Mind

Some topics and keywords trend consistently, regardless of the time of the year. You can create content on them and get reasonable readership. However, some topics and keywords experience a sharp spike at different times of the year.

For example, searches for winter coats and gloves spike during the cold season while searches for sundresses and sunscreen spike during summer.

trends over- the time

It is important to look at the underlying context of the trends. Just because a keyword isn’t trending at a particular time doesn’t mean it won’t.

Seasonal keywords and topics are a great opportunity to draw many converting clients to your doorstep. That’s because these keywords hit audiences at the right time and when they are in the mood to buy things.

  1. Find Target Audience For Your Product

Google Trends is a great tool to find new markets for your product. You can search the most relevant keywords and see where it is trending. It is possible to study the historical trends of different regions.

For example, the leather shoes have a high demand in New York as showcased earlier. You can explore the historical trends related to the keyword to see if leather shoes have always been popular in New York. If the trend is consistent, you have a new market.

This can help you expand marketing campaigns, grow a business, and add to your revenue.

Most business owners and marketers don’t have much time on their hands. They struggle to keep track of the trends. They can’t come up with content that is on-trend and up-to-date and that can slow down their progress. Google Trends is the best way to stay ahead of the game.

Also Read: Step by Step Guide to Setup Google Shopping Ads for e-Commerce Store

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